Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Use Custom Software to Toss Those Time-Intensive Tasks Aside

You may not realize it, but employees at your company are probably wasting time on tasks a custom software solution could perform for them.

For one Entrance client in particular, winning a big contract with a large oil and gas company meant a new process for invoicing had to be developed. The customer required that invoices be submitted in a specific format, which was different than the way it was done in our client’s database. With current in-house capabilities, the only way to accomplish this was to have an employee log into the customer’s web portal and hand key invoice information. Because of the amount of work the client was performing for their customer, this process was so time consuming it would have required at least one dedicated employee to complete.

To solve this problem, we created an electronic data interchange solution based on Microsoft SQL server to convert our client’s invoice data to the required format. The information is then encoded in a standard XML format created by the Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX) and when one of our client’s employees press a single button in the system, it is transmitted to their customer in a format that is both correct and secure. They then receive confirmation from the customer’s system saying whether the invoice was successfully submitted or not. When the confirmation is received, the client’s database is automatically updated with the invoice status.

The benefits for the client are many. In addition to maximizing the labor of existing employees, they have not had to change their system for invoicing at all. And because manual data entry is avoided, the customer’s invoices are much more accurate leading to a faster overall payment time. Accurate transmission also results in a reduction in administrative overhead to make corrections.

What might a custom solution like this do for your company?

See how custom engineering software made a significant difference to the workflow of another Entrance client…

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