Custom Software Apps & SharePoint Consulting

Business Intelligence Tool Tableau Rated Favorably by Gartner

Every year, Gartner creates a report reviewing major market and industry trends for Business Intelligence and Analytics. This year Tableau was listed as a leader for the first time in their magic quadrant.

Figure 1

Entrance uses Tableau a lot to visualize business intelligence for our clients, so we were glad to get validation on what we already know is a great product. The report also included a few findings worth noting:

“If there were a single market theme in 2012 it would be that data discovery became a mainstream architecture.”

“This emphasis on data discovery from most of the leaders in the market — which are now promoting tools with business-user-friendly data integration, coupled with embedded storage and computing layers (typically in-memory/columnar) and unfettered drilling — accelerates the trend toward decentralization and user empowerment of business intelligence and analytics, and greatly enables organizations’ ability to perform diagnostic analytics.”

For more on how Tableau works to enable business intelligence, you can check out our demo!

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